UAB Official Radio Communications Policy


    The UAB Department of Radio Paging Governs and Administrates the RF Communications Systems and End User Equipment, licensed RF spectrum frequencies, techniques and adjunct items used by UAB Departments for wireless communications. It serves as the conduit and portal for all Departments seeking and requiring Transmitting/Receiving End User Equipment and Systems utilized by Campus and Hospital Departments and those outside entities affiliated with UAB by legal contract unless otherwise authorized. These systems can be in Analog and Digital formats or combinations of both. It monitors, updates, and maintains the unique frequency licenses assigned to UAB by the Federal Communications Commission.


    Ensures equipment and systems purchased and obtained for the purposes listed above comply with, performs to, and meets proper guidelines for adherence to successful communications standards required by UAB, Local, State, and Federal guidelines and laws.


    Modern communications are an ever evolving and changing field and environment. This policy in its present form is subject to alteration and modification to keep up with and properly maintain compliance and adherence to changing rules, guidelines, laws, and the technology evolutions that necessitate these changes.


    End User Equipment – Radios (Portable, Desktop, and Fixed Base Station), Pagers and certain Cellular Devices.

    RF Spectrum – Radio Frequency Spectrum – The portion – think pathway or medium - of the electromagnetic spectrum that over-the-air radio communications in the form of audio, data, images are sent back and forth on. These can be in Digital or Analog form or combinations of the two.

    Over-The Air – Utilization of wireless pathways to send information from one source to another.

    Transmitting - (Transmitters) – Equipment that takes the information being sent, converts and processes it into a format needed to send it over the air from the origin point.

    Receiving – (Receivers) – Equipment that takes in the transmitted signal, converts and filters it back to its original form where it can be heard, reviewed or read at the destination point.

    Repeater – Transmitting/Receiving Device that receives communications signals, boosts them and retransmits them to increase coverage range over a communications pathway or medium.


    The purpose of close monitoring and administering of communications systems and equipment is necessary because the RF spectrum is a finite medium and resource. There are so many portions of it that have vast numbers of users. Without a central agency in place to monitor and ensure compliance to specifications, standards, and rules, systems can overlap and cause interference with each other. This can result in catastrophic communications failures which jeopardize the entities using these systems abilities for critical message information.

    The Federal Communications Commission governs and monitors the overall RF Spectrum for the United States to prevent this very issue from happening over a widespread area.

    UAB Radio Paging governs and monitors UAB’s allotted portions of the RF Spectrum for the same reason. Any failure of compliance with FCC Rules and Regulations can result in fines, and penalties. In extreme cases criminal prosecution and temporary or permanent loss of an FCC assigned frequency/license can also be the result.

    UAB Departments going through Radio Paging when seeking two-way radio equipment simplifies any concerns over compliance and performance issues.


    UAB Radio Paging works with UAB Departments and other authorized groups seeking end user communications equipment in a fiduciary manner and determines what equipment, frequency/channel types will serve the department accurately, efficiently, and legally. It provides quotes and obtains the equipment, provides the programming, setup and maintenance of the RF equipment UAB Departments need.

    Once equipment is issued to UAB Departments the managerial and supervisory staff receiving and distributing the equipment to their personnel are responsible for insuring it is accounted for and used within UAB guidelines and specifications. In cases of lost equipment Radio Paging should be notified with the item type and all available information about it. Damaged/malfunctioning equipment should be sent to Radio Paging at the earliest possible time for inspection and repair or replacement. Malfunctioning equipment can operate outside authorized parameters and cause compliance issues.


    Communications equipment cannot be altered by the end user. If changes or updating are needed requests for this must go through Radio Paging’s offices. When communicating over the air improper language such as swearing, or other harsh language needs to be avoided. Extended conversations about non-work issues should be limited to prevent interference with critical communications.

    Each Department can and should develop guidelines concerning communications equipment use. These guidelines cannot supersede or violate UAB’s, or the FCC’s regulatory guidelines. Radio Paging can assist departments with user guideline development.


    Departments that do not supervise their personnel properly and/or fail to meet and maintain compliance standards are subject to disciplinary action. In some cases, this may result in confiscation of user end equipment, shutting down of repeater systems, or modification of repeaters to prevent user end access. A system of compliance violation notifications and warnings will be utilized in these cases to stop issues before more serious intervention is required.

Services Available

  • Paging via E-mail, Operator, Phone, SMS and Web
  • Alphamates (page via device utilizing modem line)
  • Two-Way Radio Systems
  • Group Paging via Paging Terminal – allows Group to be Paged via Operators; utilized for Critical Care Communication
  • Group Paging via Web – Customer Controlled
  • Loaner Pagers for 4-Digit Pagers available 24/7 via UAB Connect/Call Center located at the General Services Building (GSB) Suite 490, 521 19th Street S, or Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM at our office, Suite 101 UAB Medical Towers Building (1717 11th Ave S)
  • RF Communications Needs Assessment & Consulting
  • FCC Licensing
  • Coverage Enhancement Consulting for New and Existing Spaces utilizing BDA/DAS Systems

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